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Common suture materials and suggested indications for their use

Table of when to use different types of sutures


Examples Synthetic or Natural Suggested Indications
Absorbable Monofilament CatgutChromic Catgut Natural Rarely used
PDS™ (Polydioxanone)Monocryl™ (Polycaprone Glycolide)

Maxon™ (Polyglyconate)

Synthetic Buried dermal sutures or continuous subcuticular suture
Absorbable Braided Vicryl/Vicryl Rapide™ (Polyglactin 910)Polysorb™ (Lactomer 9-1) Synthetic Buried dermal suturesVicryl rapide excellent choice for interrupted sutures in the hands, ‘pink’ lip laceration repairs and facial lacerations in children (do not need removal)
Non-Absorbable Monofilament Nylon™ (eg Ethilon) Natural Used for skin closure, minimally reactive, also used internally for vascular anastomoses, tendon/nerve repairs
Prolene™ (Polypropylene) Synthetic
Non-Absorbable Braided Silk Natural Traditional ‘gold standard’ non-absorbable suture, easy to handle, rarely used in modern practice for skinAlternative for tendon repair
Ethibond™ (braided polyester) Synthetic


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